take time

Takt Time, the production indicator allows the company to assess its productivity and adapt its production in order to meet the customers’ needs.

As a philosophy that revolves around the concept of the elimination of waste, Lean management draws on several parameters to ensure good production management.

Takt Time is a parameter that is part of the Lean approach. It is used in industry to designate the time required for parts’ production depending on the customer’s needs.

Definition of Takt Time

Takt Time is derived from the German term TaktZeit. The latter refers to the time necessary for the production of a part in a given situation. In fact, this parameter takes into consideration the number of parts requested by the customer and the time available for a satisfactory order. It also dictates the rhythm of production necessary to satisfy the demand within the set deadlines.

Takt Time provides operators with a clear and precise goal allowing to modulate the production pace depending on the customers’ needs.

How to calculate it?

To calculate it, just divide the time available by the number of desired parts.

Takt Time= TT= time available/ number of parts

Here is a concrete example:

A factory must produce 100 parts in a 2-hour working time (120 minutes) to respond to an order. Takt Time in this case is: TT=120/100=1.2min, that is to say the production of a part takes 1minute and 12 seconds.

What is the benefit?

As a theoretical value, Takt Time helps the industrial company to assess its productivity and to make the necessary improvement to meet the customers’ needs and not lose competitiveness.

In fact, a second parameter comes into play which is cycle time. It is the actual average time required for the production of a part in a particular situation. Here is the formula for its calculation:

CT = (available time)/(number of produced parts)

This actual parameter takes into consideration the time wasted in manufacturing defective and non-compliant parts. This is in addition to the time wasted in rebalancing and setting up machines to produce compliant parts.

In fact, the goal of each industrial company is to achieve a Takt Time equal to the cycle time. When this one is superior to cycle time, the company produces in overcapacity. In the opposite case, the company produces under capacity and will not be able to meet the needs of its customers.

Takt time is therefore a speed and production rhythm landmark that allows the company to adapt its production depending on demand fluctuations and not losing efficiency and competitiveness.

In general, this parameter helps the company to reduce or increase the number of staff in charge of production as well as improve work conditions and reduce stress related to delay in delivery.

How to achieve Takt Time

Tools can be put into place in order for the company to succeed in reaching its Takt Time. For example, setting up digital work instructions allow operators to do right the first time. Consequently, the company produces better, faster and without quality issues.

Book your demo to know the advantages of your company’s work instructions.
