The digitization of the industry’s work instructions is one of the steps to be taken in the context of digital transformation. Essentially, two IT tools have emerged within the factory: tablets and smart glasses. When it comes to material for viewing work instructions, these two connected devices compete with each other.

Let’s discover what tablets and smart glasses can offer in terms of viewing work instructions in the industry!

The smart glasses to consult and have hands free

This is, in fact, the main strength of the smart glasses. Voice controlled, they allow workers to view work instructions, standard operating procedures and all the data they need without having to use their hands. In this way, theoretical instructions and training are applied in the field allowing the worker to improve performance and accuracy.

Although all the information is displayed directly in the worker’s field of view, he needs a certain period of time to adapt to the use of this technology without interfering with the performance of his tasks. In fact, the use of smart glasses requires no prior training of workers so that they can operate them by voice and use all their features without obstructing their view.

The tablet for data mobility

The integration of tablets in the factory is the result of the multiplication of mobile applications that have been adopted following the digitalization of the industry. These lightweight, fast and connected devices provide immediate access to all operational documentation.

Tablets have the great advantage of being easier to use than smart glasses. Thus, their integration in the workshop does not require any specific technical training. Any worker would be able to use them to access the work instructoins and industrial data they need. This accessibility means that the tablets outperform the smart glasses in terms of efficiency within the factory.

Discover how SKF has digitized their work instructions

In addition, a worker equipped with a tablet will have a completely clear view, which avoids accidents and poor maneuvering. All he has to do is grab his tablet to access the SOP’s instantly. In addition to all this, the readability of the documentation on the tablet is better than that of the smart glasses. This would give the workers access to all the information he needs, without limitations such as those related to the use of glasses.

In the end, which one to choose?

Although smart glasses bring great advantages within the factory, their use is limited when it comes to viewing work instructions or other industrial data. The tablets are therefore more efficient in this case and provide workers with a certain flexibility. But, let’s not forget that smart glasses are much more efficient in other cases of use.

Choosing the right medium to view standard operating procedures is essential for industrial companies in order to promote worker performance. People are at the heart of the industry of the future and involving the worker in the process of digitizing work instructions is crucial since they will be the users of these media.

Before choosing its material for viewing digital work instructions, make sure you have a digital work instruction software and get help from experts in the field.

Contact us to find out how we can help you.

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