The main reasons for training failure

Setting up training from A to Z is usually a real challenge that requires a lot of work, involvement and rigor. It is an investment worth making when it ends with success. However, very often, despite the efforts of all teams (trainers, employees, managers, interns…), many trainings can fail.

In this article, we will explain the main reasons that can lead to the failure of trainings.

Reasons why training may fail

Limited time and competing priorities

Employees generally dismiss trainings as secondary. The majority of trainers claim that “scheduling conflicts” are the main reason of drop in participation. Therefore, it is recommended to find ways to make the training more flexible. Why not consider recording employee training sessions. Then, you can make them available to them. Therefore, each employee will be able to virtually attend the training whenever their schedule allows it.

Lack of interest

Unfortunately, we sometimes find that many employee training programs come up against a lack of employees’ interest. The latter do not see the benefits or even the added value of training sessions. They feel that these training courses will not help their personal success. We even find workers who leave training sessions earlier before the course is even over or skip courses they consider boring or of low value.

Therefore, even though there is no silver bullet to encourage employees to be more involved in training sessions, we recommend that you strategically market training programs. You can get help from the company’s managers.

Getting employees involved is easy. They must find real added value in the proposed training. Training must be beneficial to them so they do not relegate it to the bottom of their priority list.

Limited resources and training budget

Increasingly, company trainers find themselves in a delicate situation by doing more with less in the face of budgets that are shrinking year after year. In fact, many companies focus on training sessions yet the budget of these courses remains the same.

You certainly know all the steps to take for a successful training program (from design to implementation) but the budget remains small. In order to avoid spending huge amounts of money to provide effective trainings, you can opt for the creation of educational video content. This solution is both effective and inexpensive. In fact, to optimize the development of the employee learning experience, implementing an online video training platform will help you to do more with less.

 Excess of information

To optimize the available resources and reduce logistical expenses, companies tend to offer training programs of one or more days. The problem is that employees are not able to absorb and remember a lot of information in a short time. You should know that a large part of the learning courses taught will be quickly lost and forgotten.

Therefore, it would be ideal to offer video-based micro learning tests to improve retention and learning.  It is also advisable to present training videos that are both short and memorable (5to 10 minutes). Moreover, always make sure to record the training sessions. Thus, if the employee forgets something mentioned in these courses, he can simply watch the video on request to remember it.

Neglecting the follow-up of training sessions

When employees do not use or apply the acquired skills following training, decline of knowledge will occurs rapidly. Indeed, all the new skills must be applied and practiced. You must not implement a strategy to reinforce new skills after training. 90% of the information taught could be lost.

Therefore, we recommend that you provide follow up activities as well as tests to reinforce the acquired skills. Besides, don’t forget to make training materials available to employees through a central knowledge base. This helps them to refer to different trainings that they might have forgotten.

It should be noted that recording videos not only allows trainings to be archived in a searchable video library but also saves the trainers’ time by reducing the time required to create written documentation.

Choosing the right technologies for training sessions

We tend to believe that technology can solve training problems. However, it is important to know that an e-learning creation tool or a mobile application is not always enough to guarantee the success of a company training program. Choosing a technology that is not suited to the company’s specific needs can also be a mistake. Indeed, the different types of skills’ gaps and weaknesses in your company will determine the technologies that you need in order to maximize the employees’ learning.

We advise you to opt for training technologies that can support the pedagogical design of training programs before, during and after sessions.

About Picomto

Picomto is a digital solution that allows to overcome the main causes of ineffective training. Indeed, this tool plays an important role in ensuring the success of learning sessions in a company.