Work instructions are the major guarantee of quality and safety at work in industry. In fact, applying operating modes helps the different actors to act in compliance with quality, productivity and security standards.
Therefore, good management of work instructions is necessary so they are constantly updated.
Prioritize work instructions
In order to be well applied, work instructions must be prioritized. That is to say operating modes must come before habits. An operator must thus apply the work instructions addressed to him to the letter in order to avoid any waste and prevent work accidents and professional diseases.
Create for the right persons
A change of position or the arrival of new operators requires the update of work instructions. Defining the “know-how” of each position, operating modes must be specific to each position. Even though procedures are applied by everyone, it is necessary to create work instructions specific to each position to ensure welfare at work.
In other words, operating modes must be addressed to the right persons to ensure the expected results and improve quality of life at work.
Being an element of paramount importance in work organization and execution within the industry, work instructions must be known by everyone.
In fact, it wise to communicate every change in these materials so that everyone takes it into account.
Besides, work instructions’ publishing and communication are as important as their creation. They must be accessible to all the concerned stakeholders. Also, in the industry of the future, connected operators must have an immediate access to updated operating modes.
Train and test your operators on instruction
Work instruction is not an absolute truth. In fact, decision makers can update work instructions whenever a new procedure is implemented or a new device is introduced to the factory.
So, decision makers must test work instructions on operators in real conditions after they have received the appropriate training.
Collect, analyze and start over
Industrial data is a major issue in the era of industry 4.0. Decision makers and those who occupy direction positions must collect and manage well these data in order to optimize the processes.
In fact, the data pertaining to work instructions should be collected regularly and carefully. They constitute a working basis for decision makers to assess every procedure as well as performance of operators. The analysis can lead to decisions pertaining to the position per se or the operating modes that concern it.
This collection, analysis and decision making chain is continuous. It is constantly renewed to ensure continuous visibility on the application of operating modes.
Software to take care of all this
Software of digital work instructions as developed by Picomto helps to create these documents as well as to keep them updated in time. You have also traceability on operations, pain points of operators and data to sustain your continuous improvement process.
You want a demo? Contact us!