Your recruitment has finally allowed you to find the ideal employee. You still have to know how to keep him. In fact, do not claim victory quickly! A recruitment process does not end until the contract is signed. Note that the arrival of new recruits the company represents a new beginning. As for the HR team, this puts an end to the recruitment campaign. However, between the missed handover and the confusion of genres, onboarding does not go as planned unfortunately. This is a phase of the recruitment process that is of great importance in companies to ensure the integration of newcomers. Moreover, there is nothing better than to equip yourself with digital tools to support you in this process.
What is onboarding?
Onboarding is a process used by companies to ensure that the integration of new employees is valued. Its objective is to set up actions that will facilitate the arrival of a newcomer within the company. These methods aim to:
- Quickly build relationships with team members
- Adapt to the new work environment
- Undertake the new position with serenity and commitment
This employee integration process begins as soon as the hiring proposal is signed and continues until the trial period is validated. (The new employee’s first few months on the job).
Why is it essential to ensure a successful integration process?
Onboarding is an important phase in the integration process of a new recruit. In fact, when well received, the employee easily finds his place within his department. Therefore, he will be more motivated while being committed and invested.
In addition, it should be noted that that this process is highly beneficial to the company. Actually, this allows to promote the efficiency and productivity of the employee. Moreover, it is important to retain the employee and to provide him with all the keys to facilitate his adaptation to this new environment.
This process ensures the employee’s development in good conditions.
A new hire that enters a company that does not have an onboarding program or a welcome booklet finds himself on his own from day one.
The image that the company reflects will not be positive and the desire to carry on and to invest is likely to be impacted.
For this reason, it is strongly recommended to establish an integration dynamic for each new employee in order to avoid any hasty departure.
On the other hand, the costs driven by any recruitment campaign are not negligible. Therefore, it is essential to pay special attention to the integration process.
Finally, it should be noted that onboarding helps to transmit the company’s values and culture and to convey a serious image.
- Sponsorship, a solution for good integration
The arrival of a new employee means taking up the position, discovering his workplace, his boss, his colleagues and his different missions: all this at the same time. That is a lot of information for one person. Therefore, to facilitate integration into the team, some companies set up an integration plan called pairing or sponsorship.
You should know that the sponsor makes every effort to help the newcomer and facilitate his integration. In fact, he makes sure that he has everything he needs to feel good in his work space. The sponsor should be available to answer questions.
Use of onboarding software or digitalization of the onboarding process
According to the latest studies, several companies do not adopt an integration process. However, we live in an era where companies are focused on acquiring and retaining talent.
The mistake many companies make is to stop at the hiring phase and not continue their role of guiding new employees every step of the way to ensure their success.
However, although the importance of a structured integration is well understood, the tools to integrate a new employee are often traditional. In fact, it mainly consists of Excel documents, e-mail templates or reminders of tasks put in the calendar. All this manual process requires great rigor in order not to miss any information. In addition it is time consuming. It is therefore essential to think about optimizing it. To do so, it is recommended to define your integration phase and use software to make it easier and more impactful.
Using onboarding software frees you of the administrative aspects of integrating a newcomer. Therefore, you will be able to manage recruitments and integration of new employees from a single interface.
Why using onboarding software?
You may find that onboarding software is just a simple gadget and that financial investment is not worth it. You should know that if you compare the cost of the departure of newly recruited employee with that of the investment made for its acquisition, you will quickly see that its use is of a paramount importance.
Conveying a modern and innovative image of your company
For a new employee, his integration process is the first image he will have of his new company. It will then condition a large part of his loyalty or not in the service.
Therefore, it is important that the image is both innovative and positive. The use of an onboarding tool allows you to convey your policy from the moment of integration by paying particular attention to the well-being of employees.
Facilitating the administrative aspect of the employee’s management
Managing staff generally involves several extreme time-consuming but essential administrative tasks. By digitalizing the onboarding of your employees, you will significantly reduce the volume of tasks.
Ensuring the security of HR practices
By using an onboarding process, employee information does not need to be processed multiple times. It allows you to set reminders to make sure you don’t forget any details.
Quickly establishing connection and commitment
You should know that the first 90 days and weeks are crucial and decisive in the integration of a new employee and his ambition to validate the position.
Therefore, it is essential to create a connection with the new employee and arouse his commitment.
About Picomto
Depending on the size of your company, it would be wise to use a digital tool to facilitate and make the integration period of new recruits successful. In this context, Picomto is presented as a digital solution that trains and informs new hires in order to make them operational more quickly. This software allows the company to justify its obligation to provide information via traceability.
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