5 reasons to switch to digital checklists

Checklists are documents intended to verify the application of procedures in all their stages. With the digitalization of the industry, digital checklists have been introduced into factories to allow the various stakeholders to comply with procedures and verify the passage through the different stages.
If you think that digital checklists are just accessories, here are 5 good reasons that could change your mind.

1. Saving time in execution and centralization

Time is one of the biggest issues in the industry 4.0. Optimizing time use is the objective of many manufacturers who have implemented procedures and mobilized continuous improvement tools to reduce time wastage. Digital checklists are one of the solutions used to standardize processes. In fact, a connected operator will have access to a checklist that he will check according to his progress. Digital checklists include the different interventions or manoeuvres necessary to achieve a given result. By going through the checklist elements, the operator only performs the necessary operations and thus avoids wasting time searching for information.

In addition, since the organization of industry 4.0 is based on data collection and centralization, digital checklists are an essential tool for reporting information to higher levels. The people in decision-making positions will thus have instant and permanent visibility into the progress of the process.

2. Improve communication between teams

Since industry 4.0 is a continuous exchange environment between different collaborators, internal communication tools must meet these expectations. Thus, digital checklists are more likely to facilitate the passage of information than paper format. The various departments will have instant visibility on the application of procedures. In this way, teams are more responsive and work organization is more fluid.

3. Simplified update

The paper format is no longer compatible with the digitalization of the industry. As a result, digital checklists are more relevant in terms of ease of use, creation and updating. Since procedures evolve with the changing needs of the company, checklists that monitor the application of the process must follow this evolution, which is obvious. Thus, the digital format of checklists is more suitable for updates than the paper format.

4. Better accessibility

In continuity with the previous point, the digital format is more accessible than paper. In fact, since we are talking about a connected industry, the various players must have easy access to the data and documents necessary to carry out their tasks from a smartphone, tablet or computer. To ensure that employees can rigorously apply procedures and follow work instructions, digital checklists are the best solution.

5. Automate non-value-added tasks

In the age of industry 4.0, automation is a key factor in the smooth running of the plant and administration. Some time-consuming tasks that do not have real added value must therefore be automated. In this context, digital checklists are easily automated, which eliminates the burden of formatting, sending reports and transmitting information.

6. Use a solution to create digital checklists

At Picomto, our objective is to digitize all the operational documentation that can be found in the industry: work instructions, checklists, operating procedures…
That’s why we developed our solution. Request your demo by clicking on this link.