In order to be competitive, to position oneself favorably over the competition and to increase consumer interest in the products and services it offers, the company must make sure to control and ensure high-level quality. What the company sell needs to be continually improved to meet the demands of the market. But it also needs to meet the expectations of the customer that is to say it needs be customer-focus. It implements a quality approach that brings together and organizes all aspects of the company’s operation to achieve quality objectives and continuous improvement.
What are the objectives of the quality approach?
The implementation of a quality approach in the industry aims to control, ensure and plan quality. It necessarily involves the constant measurable improvement of products and services. This is naturally linked to manufacturing processes.
The main objectives of the quality approach are to increase customer satisfaction and meet his expectations and, more generally, to enable the company to gain in efficiency and performance hence profitability.
However, the customer is not the only side to be satisfied when developing, carrying out and applying a quality approach. Suppliers, shareholders, but also company personnel such as quality managers or quality engineers must also be mutually taken into account. This is the concept of global quality.
Eliminate anomalies and improve quality to better meet customer expectations
It is therefore a matter for the company to ensure that the quality of the production is controlled, to have the capacity to meet customer requirements, to reduce malfunctions and anomalies through corrective and preventive actions that may affect quality and support its competitiveness.
When an anomaly or nonconformance is found, it is reported in a formalized document that will subsequently analyze it and take the necessary measures to eliminate it in a sustainable way: this is the anomaly sheet. It usually shows the identifying elements of the anomaly (identifier, gravity, date …), its description, root- cause and the response.
Malfunctions, such as the degree of control over operations, are also among the aspects controlled by internal audit, which makes it possible to draw up an overview of the aspects to be improved (product or process non-conformities) and to report the progress made.
As a key element and principle of the approach, the quality system covers the entire organization, procedures, processes and means for implementing quality management. It is based in particular on the improvement objectives mentioned in the quality manual, on a quality standard (operational procedures, quality plans, work instructions) and on the standards and regulations to be applied.
Involvement, listening and clarity are the keys to the success of the quality approach
First, this quality approach and its guidelines must be clear and accessible to all. It will be difficult for any stakeholder in the company to comply if he cannot understand them.
The success of the quality approach also depends on the degree of involvement and harmonization of all the staff. Executives monitor the application of the guidelines and remain attentive to the employees. In the meantime, employees perform and fulfill their duties while respecting the procedures. They also have the opportunity to share their suggestions on how things can be improved to ensure quality standards.
Moreover, the effectiveness of the quality approach is assured only if it incorporates observations and suggestions for revision and improvement. This information comes from the inside of the company: a defect found by an employee in terms of equipment, idea to improve performance or corrective actions for example. But it can also come from outside, such as the consumer opinion. Listening and analysis are also part of the conditions for the success of the quality approach and its realization in the company.
These conditions are in line and in compliance with the rules on which ISO 9001 certification is based. It also includes: resource management, process management, organization and systems management, decision making and improvement.
Digital Work Instructions are part of the Quality Approach
Picomto is the all-in-one application to create, share, analyze digital work instructions. Your operators and technicians can collect data, suggest improvements and contribute to the Continuous Improvement. Call us to know more.
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