The challenges and opportunities of the "All Digital" for the Quality Management System (QMS)

The quality management system (QMS) is strongly impacted by the advent of the “all-digital” system. Internet of things, SCADA production system or CMMS-type maintenance, digital technology has revolutionized the way companies do business. It has also completely changed the way quality management is understood and managed.

Supports, flows, processes, procedures, operating modes, everything has been modified. The stakes in the field are high, as are the opportunities.

The QMS is the company’s backbone. It covers the global scope of the latter’s activity in a proactive (process), reactive (process and operating modes) but also curative (corrective actions) way. However, it is precisely these points that the “all-digital” revolutionizes. It changes the way of doing things (know-how) and transmitting (making people aware). Faced with such challenges, we cannot simply modify the QMS to adapt it to new technologies. It must be completely rethought by making the “all-digital” one of its pillars.

An impact on work instructions

The digital world first had an impact on the way companies operate. As much on the content as on the form:

  • Basically: Many work instructions have been optimized using digital tools (applications, programs, production management systems (SCADA) or maintenance systems (CMMS). It was therefore necessary to rethink the operating methods and integrate them into processes.
  • In terms of form: The multiplication of media coupled with the development of dedicated applications has made it possible to “dematerialize” operating methods. It was necessary to rethink the way in which operating procedures were transmitted and kept up to date.

Integrating digital technology into the quality management system is, therefore, a complete paradigm shift.

Download our ebook on the benefits of switching to digital work instructions

CMMS: When digital technology revolutionizes maintenance

Computer Assisted Maintenance Management (CMMS) perfectly illustrates the digital challenges for the QMS. CMMS software will make it possible to organize and optimize the maintenance of machines and production tools.

The software will establish routines, schedules and maintenance cycles. It will also ensure the security of the equipment by organizing backup protocols, emergency shutdowns, etc.

Here, the growing “dependence” on digital technology requires the QMS to take into account and set up systems to safeguard the information and procedures generated by this software. It also involves securing the company’s networks and information systems. A whole “cyber-security” component that the QMS must now integrate.

Optimization of QMS management

The All Digital will also and above all make it possible to greatly optimize the management of the QMS.

First because it will allow to centralize and control processes, procedures and operating modes, and thanks to this and versioning, everyone will work on the same versions of documents. Similarly, if, as part of a Kaizen approach, an operator wishes to improve a step in an operating mode, he will be able, thanks to digital technology, to feedback his suggestion in real-time. Finally, the All Digital will above all allow, thanks to multimedia and multi-media support, to integrate photos, diagrams and videos into the operating modes. This makes them much easier and more pleasant to use.

The all digital is a great opportunity for QMS. Because it revolutionizes the way things are done, it also changes the way knowledge is transmitted in the company. In this way, it opens the door to many possibilities and will make the QMS much more meaningful, thanks in particular to applications and multimedia.

Picomto can support you in a quality approach by implementing a solution of visual work instructions, maintenance procedures, checklists. Find out how!

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